十年生死兩茫茫觀眾仍思量 Scarface 的 Tony Montana之際導演 Brian De Palma 再度搭上 Al Pacino 重出江湖Carlito 沒有 Tony 的狂妄自大反之沉着肅殺而又情深義重不同故事而同個導演迥異性格但同是黑道人物時移世易却依然叫觀眾驚歎芝麻女孩儿是歲月磨練還又是 Al 的天賦才華
自然的画面很美但故事实在太whitewashing了, cannot be further from the truth... even in the movie the ‘love’ b/w Pocahontas and John Smith is cringy af... & the villain is a horrible portrayal of a possibly homosexual man... this movie is uncomfortable to watch